Intrinsic Design Methow Valley is interested in designing homes and commercial buildings that are inspired by the cycles, seasons and landscape of the North Cascades where we live. Below are links to our most recent projects and homes currently under construction.

Methow Valley Home Design
Methow Valley Home Design:
Designing a home for the Methow Valley always start with several visits to the site in order to find the essence of the land and identify its most prized traits.

Pine Forest Shadow House
The Pine Forest Shadow House is a modern, shed-roof cabin and the owners consider it an architectural sculpture in the Methow Valley.

Red Dog Guest House
The Red Dog Guest House is a project that seeks to bridge modern and traditional design while bringing beauty and added utility to a property in the Methow Valley.

Gardner View House
The Gardner View House sits on a bench above the Methow River and was designed with a nod to traditional valley aesthetics while keeping to the clean lines of a long low modern shed roof form.

Methow Trails Campus
Methow Trails is the keystone provider of winter recreation in the Methow Valley mainta

Room One – Client Services Building
With the fast rise in population in the valley, Room One’s services have been in great demand and that has led to a need for an expansion of their facilities. Thus, the Room One Client Services Building.

Blower Door Testing
We are now offering certified blower door testing for all residential and small commercial construction projects in the Methow Valley. Intrinsic Design is dedicated to providing clients with high quality blower door testing to ensure Energy Code Compliance and to help you meet your high efficiency goals. Give us a call or contact us throughContinue reading “Blower Door Testing”